- Rental Price Reductions
- Mortgage rates going up
- Prices falling in both Edmonton and Calgary(Link updated)
- Inventory still rising
- Loonie holding on to 31 year highs.
- Squabbling on a less worse indicator of real estate prices.
- Builders still building as if it were 2005 and King Ralph had not sent the prosperity cheques yet.
That's why a lot of people are still renting out their 'second' or 'investment' properties for short term. In short, the waiting game is in play in Alberta and it is slowly going to cool down the fervency that once was the hallmark of Alberta real estate 'investors'.
Other than that, Seattle, the last bastion of 'real estate always goes up' (in the US) witnessed the first YOY drop and a significant drop in MOM prices in September.
Sorry for the long delay since last post;things have been super crazy at work.